POLOGNE A CANNES Polish film in Cannes


Ce soir présentation en Avant première du film de Julia Kowalski « RAGING ROSE »  (CRACHE COEUR) 20 mai 17h un der the honorarypatronage of Poland’s Ambassador to France his excellency Andrej Byrt.Polish in Grand Hotel, cannesSHORT FILM CORNER : POLISH HOPE un film de Loic Pottier avec Monika Ekiert (Poland)

Polish films will be waiting for you at the Polish Stand located at the 9th floor of the Grand Hotel 45 La Croisette

The Polish delegation to Marche du Film 2015 comprises represen­ tatives of institutions financing and supporting film production; producers; distributors; sales agents; and representatives of film festivals. All of them are open to international cooperation and are actively searching for partners abroad. This catalogue aims at intro ducing in an accessible and brief way the immense potential of the Polish film industry.DSC_0435

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